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Partner Opportunities

2018 Conference Partner Information

The Hilton Fort Worth in downtown Fort Worth, TX.

The National Procurement Institute's 50th Annual Conference will be held October 22-25, 2018 in Fort Worth, TX. You are officially invited to attend this outstanding opportunity! This is an excellent opportunity to engage with public purchasing officials from around the country! The packages have been designed to maximize partner and delegate interaction, both professionally and socially.

As a participant, you will have the opportunity to visit one-on-one with governmental procurement professionals from all over the United States. Partners are an integral part of the NPI Conference and are welcome at the conference functions. The Conference Program has been designed to facilitate networking opportunities with NPI’s membership throughout the entire conference, starting with the Welcome Reception, Opening Ceremony and Breakfast, Networking Event, the Presidential Gala Dinner, and the great educational opportunities included in this year's program.


Space is limited, and we expect to sell out.

2018 Exhibitor Partner Registration Form

Online Registration

For additional information, contact Craig atexecutivedirector@npiconnection.org.

Hotel Information.